Monday, March 3, 2008

My New Poker Table

Well, sort of new anyways. This past Christmas, my dear and wonderful wife bought me a poker table. We got it from one of the furniture chains here in Colorado and it was a very nice table at a good price.

After playing on it a few times I noticed that the felt was shedding. My cards would be covered in this fine black dust and it really annoyed me. In addition the felt would catch the cards as you dealt and it made it difficult to get the cards down to the far end of the table when dealing. I researched the net and found that replacing the felt did not seem to be a difficult nor expensive endeavour.

A place called sells poker speed cloth, which is the same material used on almost all poker tables found in casinos. After much deliberation I decided on the pine green color. My table is a dark cherry wood and I figured the green would stand out nicely against the dark wood.

My neighbor helped me put it one which was pretty easy. After removing the rail, the table top was a separate insert that had the felt stapled on. I put the speed cloth right on top of the existing felt and glued it down. The ends were tricky but my neighbors wife who is a craft guru was able to pleat it and glue it down with ease.

Here is a picture of the finished project. I am very happy with how well it turned out.

Original Table

Same Table with new felt

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