Sunday, February 24, 2008

Spillway Bar and Grill 2/24

Today was a Denver Poker Tour event. This is becoming a regular game for me as it is on Sunday and in the afternoon. I have not had much success in this game and most of the players here are pretty good.

I was excited to play today after my success last night at the casino. I wanted to see if I had the ability to change my game from cash game back to tournament play.

Today started out slow for me. I was not getting any cards. The few hands I tried to limp in on were eventually raised and not worth me chasing. My blinds were being stolen as I was unwilling to call a raise and a re-raise with my weak hands. I finally started getting some cards and was able to take down several pots based on my table image which is tight and aggressive.

I had one memorable hand early where I got AK suited. I limped in with it only because I had just won two pots with big raises and I wanted to mix up my game. The player next to me raised and I called him. A king came out on the flop so I bet about half of my stack and he went all in. I called him since I had top pair with top kicker. Turns out he had AK as well. I guess that is one way not to lose with "Big Slick".

I made it to the final table which is generally my minimum goal each time I play. My stay there was short lived however. I raise 4 times the big blind with my pocket 9's and get two callers. Flop comes out 3 5 6 rainbow and I am first to act. I go all in and one of the two remaining players calls. He turns over pocket 4's which is good until the turn card is a 7 which gives him a straight. I need an 8 on the river for a higher straight but of course I do not get it.

Bad beat or a gutsy call? It's a bad beat by sheer definition as I got my money in with the best hand and had a dominate lead after the flop. I don't think I would have made the call he did with just pocket 4's but his style may be more aggressive than mine. Regardless I was not mad and wished him a good game and made my gracious exit.

Did I do anything wrong? I don't think so. I think all in was the move since the flop was all cars that were under my 9's. If anyone had 10's or higher I needed them to think I had hit the flop and now had trips. Any over cards on the flop and I probably would have thrown out a probe bet to see where I was at and what my hand might be worth. It was a dream flop for me except for the straight potential. I guess that this was just an example of poker and how sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

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